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#GoZero Appreciates Your Support!

~ List of Supporters ~

Stop the needless killing of cats and dogs in Australia – #GoZero.

Check Out #GoZero

Milestone 1 – $5,000 – Starting the Community Cat Program

This milestone will help us get to the first step of the Community Cats Program (Trap, Neuter and Return/Adopt) by assisting to create a steering committee. The committee will consist of representatives from leading animal welfare organisations, veterinarians and most importantly volunteers (like you) to run, oversee and document the Program. This is a big task, it will be the very first trial of its kind and the outcome could be massive. Good for cats, good for dogs, good for staff at shelters and pounds and most of all good for the community.

Milestone 2 – $8,500 – Best Practices in Shelters and Pounds

We are all about innovative strategies, not doing the same old thing. When we hit this milestone it will help to source new lifesaving strategies from international leaders in their field and present our findings in Australia like the AIAM to council pound managers. It’s about getting the ideas out there, we can’t improve current practices if nobody knows about them. Knowledge is power! If we can get the support of industry leaders, staff at shelters and pounds and people like you we can make change.

Milestone 3 – $15,000 – Pet Are Welcome.

Have you ever tried to find a rental property that will take you and your fur babies? It is such a stressful time and many face the hard decision of choosing between a home or their pet. With a third of Australians renting and only 4% of rental properties accepting pets, this is an outrage. Help us eliminate this heartbreaking decision for pet owners by donating. We have already made submissions to the Victorian and Queensland government; there is still a lot to do. We need to continue lobbying and advocating for change in Victoria and Queensland until all rental accommodation is pet-friendly. We also need to focus on NSW, NT, WA, SA and Tassie governments and this milestone will help us do that. Check out our website for more information on what we are doing.

Milestone 4 – $30,000 – Community Cats are off and running

This will be our biggest leap yet, it will be a tough one: hitting our $30,000 goal. This money will go towards a permit for the very first Community Cat Program (Trap, Neuter, Return/Adopt) in Australia. You will be a part of changing the way community cats are managed – stop the killing. Let’s face it the current solution isn’t working and contributes to the death of 100,000 pets in shelters and pounds. Feedback from other like-minded foundations has been that it is a no-brainer.

The Program will:

  • -Reduce the number of cats and kittens being euthanised in shelters and pounds.
  • -Provide more resources for dogs located in shelters and pounds. More resources means better outcomes and fewer dogs being euthanised
  • -Reduce the effects on native wildlife
  • -Reduce the number of stray cats and improve their overall health.
  • -Improve the mental health of staff located in shelters and pounds.

Did you know that over half of staff that works at shelters and pounds have post-traumatic stress? Some even result in suicide. Check out this article.

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