One Welfare
Our work is guided by the One Welfare philosophy – a concept which recognises that pet welfare is intrinsically linked to human and environmental health and wellbeing.
For Robyn*, whose home and business were being damaged by stray cats, the council’s trap and kill policy clearly wasn’t effective in stopping the problem. Little did she know, it was also distressing for Jen*, who had been feeding the cats, and posed a potential risk to wildlife further afield. Thanks to the partnership between APWF and Animal Welfare League Qld, who found Jen through doorknocking, a new approach yielded better results than everyone involved could ever have anticipated.
Donors provided fencing materials and a gate
Another neighbour, similarly, troubled by strays, pitched in to help with construction
Six volunteers helped built Jen’s cat fence in a day.
The new long-term solution that balanced the wellbeing of the animals, humans and their physical and social environment. Now happy in their new yard, the cats were no longer a nuisance in the neighbourhood, or posing a risk to wildlife. And Robyn invited her new friend Jen over for a cup of tea!
*Names have been changed to protect privacy